PROEDUS has completed the project “A Better Opportunity for Children in Risk Situation in Bucharest”.
Running from March 2015 to April 2017, the project provided counseling and training programs for approximately 600 children from schools in Bucharest, with the aim of increasing their level of school integration.
A total of 400 children participated in camp, mountain and sea activities that helped them with social inclusion.
The grant amount was 1,194,302.36 lei, out of which SEE Grant 1,015,157.01 lei and public co-financing 179,145.35 lei.
The closing conference of the project took place on April 29, 2017 at the National Children’s Palace, the Great Hall, starting at 14:00. Here you can find press release and event photos.
A chance for a better future for children at risk in Bucharest
The project “A chance for a better future for children at risk in Bucharest” has the overall objective of increasing school integration and social inclusion for 400 children at risk from Bucharest by providing educational programs, curricular and pedagogical counselling. The project is conducted by the Center for Education and Sport Projects and Programs for Children and Youth in partnership with the Bucharest Resource Center and Educational Assistance (www.cmbrae.ro).
The project addresses both pupils of primary school (preparatory classes – IV) and middle school (grades V – VIII), falling under Law 292/2011 on social assistance: Article 6, paragraph p) vulnerable group represents individuals or families who are at risk of losing their capacity to meet the needs of daily living because of disease, disability, poverty, drug addiction, alcohol or other situations that lead to economic and social vulnerability or from families receiving social assistance measures as defined by law.
Our objectives
- Reduce the rate of school drop-out and school absenteeism by 10% among 400 students.
- 20% increase over involvement in children’s education in the target group of 200 parents / guardians / families in members.
How will we achieve goals?
- Information and awareness campaign regarding the risks faced by at risk children: through group information sessions, for teachers, expert trainers, counsellors in 25 schools in Bucharest; group information sessions for parents / guardians / families in the members-risk children in the target group; public information – production and broadcast radio and TV.
- Training sessions with students. This will facilitate interpersonal relationships of children at risk and their social integration by engaging in creative activities, collective, conducted in an atmosphere that encourages communication through play, socializing and increase self-esteem.
- Psycho-pedagogical. The counselling sessions will be carried out both with the 400 students and parents / guardians / family members. Socio-educational extracurricular activities. Camps being organized complements previous training and counselling activities. With their help we aim to stimulate children’s participation in sports, cultural, artistic and entertaining, stimulating in this way develop life skills, social skills, to increase social incuziune and affirmation of children at risk.
- Socio-educational extracurricular activities.Camps that will be organized complete previous training and counselling activities. Through this instrument we aim to stimulate children’s participation in sports, cultural, artistic and entertaining, stimulating in this way develop life skills, social skills, to increase social inclusion and affirmation of children at risk.
What to do to sign up as a beneficiary of this project?
Download and complete the following documents: Registration Form Agreement beneficiary parents send them scanned at csr.proiect@gmail.com If you have questions please contact Ms. Laura Burcuş responsible for target group by phone: 0729059489.
You can view the target group selection methodology here.
For more details, please contact us by email: csr.proiect@gmail.com or facebook page https://www.facebook.com/proedus.bucuresti/
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